Welcome to C.O.V. Media

Making sanity popular again.... 

The world worships evil and calls it good....

-Cutting off body parts like it's normal

-Drag queens dancing in thongs for kids

-Men playing in women's sports

-Demanding we call them by "preferred" pronouns

-The America flag is called "offensive" and
is being replaced by perverse trans flag 

-Rioting and looting is deemed acceptable
for so called "oppressed" people

*And we're supposed to accept this as normal*

Come visit me on YouTube-

My channel is geared towards conservative talk....I discuss current events and what is happening in the world today regarding the absolute insanity of the "woke." 

The link to my channel is in the page footer....

Talk radio

I am starting a radio program that will run Monday-Friday....so check back on where to tune-in and the time.....

About us

In an insane world we need a bit of common sense.  I've developed a brand that, along with the grace of God, will hopefully be helpful to those willing to listen in these difficult days.  

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